A cross-Canada exhibition with pastels of southern Saskatchewan, Georgian Bay and a focus on Newfoundland's Bonavista and Avalon peninsulas.
A series of wood engravings illustrating the poems of Michael Crummey from Alan's private press edition book, Viewfinder

sketching near Little Catalina

#12 Stock Cove

Bonavista Breakwall

Bonavista Harbour

Keels Pier

Keels Store

Little Catalina Fishing Stages #2

Little Catalina Fishing Stage

Moonlight, Iceberg, Quidi Vidi

New Bonaventure #2

New Bonaventure

New Bonaventure Scene

Petty Harbour Fishing Stage

Red Cliff

Quidi Vidi Stars

Red House, Petty Harbour

The Battery at Night #3

The Battery #2

Old Church, Orkney

Old House, Route #3

Red Coat Trail

Fields After the Storm

Barns near Lake Alma

Old Barn, Saskatchewan

Freude, Saskatchewan

Grain Elevators, Coronach

Back Channel, Bayfield Inlet

Summer, Hangdog Reef

Sunset #2, Georgian Bay

Sunset, Georgian Bay

Sunset #3, Georgian Bay

Moonlight, Georgian Bay

Jester Over Western Bay, Viewfinder

An Old Sailors Portion, Viewfinder

Birding Cape St. Marys, Viewfinder

Datsun, Viewfinder

Getting the Marriage Into Bed, Viewfinder

In Transit, Viewfinder

Loom, Viewfinder

Mark Waterman Lightkeeper, Viewfinder

Minke in Slo-Mo Again, Viewfinder

Minke in Slo-Mo, Viewfinder

Moravians, Viewfinder

Northern Lights, Viewfinder

Painting The Islands, Viewfinder

Simmer, Viewfinder

Small Clothes, Viewfinder

Stars on Water, Viewfinder

The Landing, Viewfinder

What's Lost, Viewfinder

Viewfinder title image